Sunday, January 9, 2011

cyber crimes blog 1#

1) the ethics for case one is ethical because it was just ten minutes to run a  program
2)the case is unethical because the job paid him to make it only not give it away
3)the case is criminal because he hacked peoples accounts and saw confidental info
4)the case is criminal because the teller did not permisson from the bank and the person he is taking money from
7)the case is criminal because he diobeyed his boss order made a program that gave in accurated info

values are the things that u live by  like respect elders or always be values is to always be nice and never giveup

In the value shuffle I was not tempted to go on one side I went to what my values are.
It can be hard to stand up for your value because people may critizit u and u sometime don’t live up to your value.

Morals is your actions and how you act.
Values and ethics don’t always match because values are your ruls in life and ethics are rules of society
The punishment for immoral actions I jail prison or death